By Bhargavi Davar

This pioneering book discusses the mental health of Indian women from the twin perspectives of feminism and the philosophy of the social sciences. Reviewing data and documented material covering broad areas such as theory, research, clinical practice and policy, Bhargavi V Davar addresses issues of: the epidemiology of mental distress among Indian women; the aetiology of mental illness in terms of socio-demography, violence and culturally specific distress behaviours; gender bias in mental health services; and the female ‘self’ in the context of mental distress.
This path-breaking work by Bhargavi Davar draws attention to the high incidence of mental distress among women and the pathologization of what needs to be understood as a social phenomenon. Part of the research towards this book was housed in Anveshi.
ISBN-13: 9780761993001
Published by SAGE Publications (1998)
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