Women Walk the Night!!
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Come for the first midnight march on the 5th of Jan (10:00pm – 1:00am).
Route: Tank Bund to Khairtabad via NTR Gardens.
Make Hyderabad safe. Say NO to sexual violence. Say YES to Women’s freedom.
Ninety percent or more of women in our country have gone through various degrees of sexual harassment in public spaces as well as in our homes, from being yelled obscenities on the streets, to being grabbed in a bus to domestic violence to heinous rape assaults. These crimes against women, children and Transgender happen in every space and the night space makes us particularly vulnerable. We need to protest against such violence at every step.
We’ve been taught that venturing out in the night means inviting trouble. For a long time we’ve obeyed therules and stayed indoors whilemen have the liberty to roam freely at night. Those of us who do venture out− to clean the streets, to work in construction, to work in call centers, to get back home after late night class or an evening out amongst other things − facethe possibility of harassment, abuse and violence. Society more often than not sanctions this abuse by blaming us for inviting trouble. If we tolerate all this for fear or belief, we will face more violence. As long as we are scared and submit, the abuse will continue.[/wpcol_1half]
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Women walk the night
We should continue to fight against abuse and do it more rigorously. We need to assert ourselves, our rights and our spaces and disobey the rules that chained us.Unless, we get out and claim our rights we will never be safe, not on the streets and not in our homes. One step in claiming the night is by walking collectively and sending a strong message. Our message is we want the night, we want it safe, we deserve to be respected at day and night.[/wpcol_1half_end]