The common or garden flower, the touch-me-not (Mimosa pudica) is one of the most efficacious in healing a range of disorders, particularly gynaecoloical ones. It has been in use in India for hundreds of years, but with the advent of modern medicine, is gradually disappearing from people’s knowledge. There are many more such plants which have been a source of healing and are no longer used for their medicinal purposes.
Concerned about fast vanishing local health traditions, Shodhini, a network of women’s health activists, came together in search of a woman-centered approach as an alternative to prevailing dominant systems of healthcare. Touch me, Touch-me-not is the result of their research. This unique compilation of over 300 plants and review of their medicinal value, has been put together by Shodhini, a network of women’s health activists that seeks to address the health needs of the most disadvantaged women. The remedies in this book are the result of over eight years of treating women across the country for everything from vaginal discharge to menstrual disorders, uterine complaints, urinary tract infestions and other ailments.
This handbook by Shodhini Collective is a result of extensive research on traditional medical practices of women healers and self-help groups working in several states in India. The Andhra Pradesh chapter of this project was housed in Anveshi.
ISBN-13: 978-8185107851
Published by Zubaan Books (1997)
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